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Pharmacopoeia - Determination of peel strength
2020-12-07 09:15:17 admin 490
1. Test device
Tensile testing machine (ST103 Pharmacopoeia 180° electronic stripping testing machine) should make the destructive load of the tested product between 15% and 85% of the full standard load;
The error of force indication should not be greater than 1%;
The testing machine was continuously stripped at a speed of 300mm/min±10mm/min.
A drawing device shall be attached which automatically records the stripping load.
The test plate is a stainless steel plate with a thickness of 1.5 ~ 2.0mm, a width of 50mm±1mm and a length of 125mm±1mm.
Polyester film shall be 0.025mm thick as specified by JB1256-77 (6020 polyester film)
The length of the thin film is about 110mm, and the width should be about 20mm larger than the test product.
2. Determination method
Before the test, the paste and the patch (together with the packaging material) should be applied at 18℃ ~ 25℃ and the relative humidity is 40% ~
Leave for more than 2 hours under 70% condition.
Fix the backing of the test product on the test board with double-sided adhesive tape. If necessary, tape can be used up and down along the test product
The side edge is fixed so that the tested product fits on the board smoothly.
The adhesive surface of the test product was bonded with clean polyester film, and then 2000g heavy pressure roller was used on the test product
Roll back and press three times to ensure that no bubbles exist at the adhesive joint.
After adhesive, the test product should be placed at room temperature 20 ~
Test after 40 minutes.
Fold free end of polyester film in half (180°). Clamp film free end and test board on top and bottom respectively
Testing machine.
The peel surface should be consistent with the tester line.
The testing machine was 300mm/min±10mm/min
The falling speed was continuously stripped and the peeling curve was drawn by the automatic recorder.
3. Result judgment
Peel strength shall comply with the provisions under each variety.
The 180° stripping strength of the tested product (kN/m) is calculated as follows:
Where, S is the area within the value range of the recording curve, mm2;
L is the length within the value range of the recording curve, mm;
B is the actual width of the test product, mm;
C is the load per unit height of the recording paper, kN/m.
The results are expressed as the arithmetic mean of peel strength.
ST103 pharmacopoeia 180 ° of the electronic stripping tester in strict accordance with the new 2015 China pharmacopoeia 180 degrees in the act of 0952 adhesion force measurement method of peel strength requirements and design using modern mechanical design concept and the man-machine engineering design criteria, using advanced microcomputer processing technology carefully made reasonable design, is a novel design, easy to use, excellent performance, elegant appearance of a new generation of testing machine.
The sample is clamped between two collet of the fixture, and the two collet move relative to each other. The force value and displacement change in the test process are collected through the force value sensor located in the moving collet and the built-in displacement sensor of the machine, so as to automatically calculate the 180-degree peeling strength of the sample.