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Determination of fuel oil pour point solution
2020-12-21 13:12:35 admin 430
Pour point refers to the lowest temperature at which the cooled sample can flow under specified test conditions.
Condensation point refers to the maximum temperature when the oil surface of the cooled sample is no longer moving under the specified test conditions, which is expressed as ℃.
The physical meaning of pour point is one of the parameters reflecting the low temperature fluidity of oil products. The lower pour point is, the better the low temperature fluidity of oil products is.
Pour point is a conventional index used to measure the low temperature fluidity of lubricating oil. The pour point of the same oil product is a few degrees higher than the freezing point. In the past, the freezing point was commonly used and used internationally.
If the pour point or freezing point is high, the low temperature fluidity of oil products is poor.
According to the pour point of oil products, the measures to be taken in transportation, storage and delivery under low temperature conditions can be considered. It can also be used to evaluate the performance of some oil products under low temperature.
Test standard: GB/T3535-2006, equivalent to ISO 3016-1994
Fuel oil has a technical indicator called pour point, which is measured in degrees Celsius.
In general, the so-called pour point of fuel oil refers to the lowest temperature at which it can flow.
As the temperature decreases, the fluidity of fuel oil becomes less and less, and even reaches a certain temperature, it will solidify and lose fluidity.
Generally speaking, the fluidity of fuel oil at low temperature is influenced by two factors: the viscosity of one fuel oil increases with the decrease of temperature;
The other is that paraffin wax, which is originally liquid in the fuel oil, becomes a solid crystalline form when the temperature drops to a certain degree.
So what we call pour point is sometimes called "wax-containing pour point".
By definition, the higher the pour point, the less fluid the fuel will be at natural temperature.
In practice, we can also improve the pour point of fuel oil by adding appropriate pour point depressant.
Since much of the fuel oil travels long distances to reach its destination, the pour point is also an important technical indicator.
Determination of fuel oil pour point is made according to GB/T 3535 "Determination of Petroleum Products Pour point".
The SH113C automatic dip point tester conforms to GB/T3535 national standard. It adopts the main control component composed of multiple single chip microcomputer, automatic refrigeration, automatic constant temperature, automatic detection, and automatic printing and output results.
Double stage refrigeration system is adopted to make the refrigeration range +30℃ ~ -70℃ and adapt to the detection of pour point/freezing point higher than -35℃ samples. Because of the use of imported compressor from Danfoss, Germany, the work is stable and reliable for a long time and is not easy to damage.
Dry well cold bath box, low hysteresis, fast cooling, no need of other cooling medium, easy to use and maintain.
High - performance infrared ray detection technology, high detection sensitivity, strong reliability.
Apparatus needed for experiment
1.SH113C automatic pour point analyzer, developed and produced by Shandong Shengtai Instrument Co., LTD.
2. Pour point test tube in accordance with GB/T3535.
Experimental steps:
Preparation work
1. After unpacking the instrument, please count the accessories according to the packing list. If there is any damage, please contact our company.
2. The instrument should be handled vertically. The tilt Angle should not exceed 30 degrees along the height of the instrument.
3. Connect the power supply of the instrument to the socket with a capacity of 220V/10A or above, and pay attention to having a good grounding wire.
Ii. Experiment process
1. Pour point measurement: place the rubber stopper with sensor and detector over the tube and put the pour point tube into the cold bath.
2. Click pour point measurement to enter the pour point measurement interface.
3. The four buttons on the main interface of pour point measurement are respectively the main interface, parameter setting, system setting and historical data.
The main display area is the trend chart of the temperature change of the sample over time, which can show the temperature value of the sample and the metal bath. The display area on the right will show the specific value, and the experimental results of the expected pour point and the test tube are shown below.
In the lower right corner are the start button, tilt button and close button.
4. After all the preparation work is finished, click the start button to carry out the test. During the test, the system automatically detects the pour point, and after the test, the buzzer prompts to print the pour point result.