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The solution to the determination of turbo oil emulsifier
2021-01-07 14:26:16 admin 517
Turbine oil has good demulsification, which can quickly separate the oil-water emulsion in the oil tank.
The steam turbine oil emulsification performance is not good, the separation of oil and water emulsion is very slow, so that the steam turbine oil lost lubrication, speed regulation and cooling and heat dissipation.
If the unit is operated in oil-water emulsion for a long time, it will bring great harm to the equipment.
Such as: may cause the lubricating oil film is not complete, serious will cause the bearing bush sintering.
The water content in the oil leads to corrosion of the metal parts, and the corrosion products will accelerate the aging of the oil, resulting in further deterioration of the broken emulsification.
Therefore, it is necessary to maintain good emulsification performance of turbine oil.
Steam turbine oil breaking emulsification performance can be detected by SH122 oil breaking and demulsifying instrument, in line with GBT 7605-1987 running steam turbine oil breaking emulsification degree determination method and GB-T 7305-2003 oil and synthetic liquid water separation determination method, constant temperature bath using small cylinder, easy to operate, accurate measurement.
Summary of testing methods
The measuring cylinder of SH122 oil breaking emulsifier was filled with 40mL oil sample and 40mL steam water, and the emulsion was formed by stirring for 5min at 54℃ and 1℃, and the time required for emulsion separation (i.e., the volume of the emulsified layer was no more than 3mL, and the volume of the water layer was up to 37mL) was measured.
After 30min of rest, if the emulsion is not completely separated or the emulsion layer is not reduced to 3mL or less, the volume of the oil layer, water layer and emulsion layer shall be recorded.

Instruments for the experiment
1.SH122 oil product demulsifier (touch screen), developed and produced by Shandong Shengtai Instrument Co., Ltd.
2. Comply with GB/T7605 special emulsifying tube.
3. Dry oven (for drying test tube)
4. Cleaning agent: solvent gasoline, petroleum ether, chromic acid lotion, distilled water (for cleaning test tubes)
The test results
1. When the volume of the emulsifying layer at the interface between oil and water is reduced to no more than 3mL, the separation of oil and water is considered. Stop the stopwatch and the time of breaking the emulsification of the oil sample is calculated.
Note 1. There may be individual emulsifying bubbles on the emulsifying layer or the wall of the salt cylinder.
Note 2: there may be transparent bubbles in the water layer or the oil layer, or the water layer or the oil layer is opaque.
Note 3. The interface of the emulsifying layer is not neat, so it should be calculated as the average value.
2. If the timing exceeds 30min and the volume of the emulsion layer between the oil and water interface is still greater than 3mL, the test will be stopped. The breaking time of the oil is recorded as greater than 30min, and the volume of the oil layer, water layer and emulsion layer at this time is recorded respectively.
3. There is no obvious emulsifying layer, only the upper and lower layers are completely separated, then the time required from stopping mixing to the time when the upper volume reaches 43mL is the emulsification breaking time of the pool sample, and the upper layer is identified as the oil layer;
4. There is no obvious emulsifying layer, only the upper and lower layers are completely separated. When the stirring is stopped, the timing exceeds 30min, and the volume of the upper layer is still greater than 43mL, then the test is stopped.
The solution to the determination of turbo oil emulsifier