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How to determine the dripping point of medical Vaseline?
2023-05-16 11:00:15 admin 447
Medical Vaseline: It is a uniform paste like substance with a certain degree of stretchability and no odor. It is divided into medical white vaseline and medical yellow vaseline, both of which are semi solid mixtures of various hydrocarbons refined from petroleum and are not suitable for oral administration. Can be used as a raw material for creams, ointments, and skincare creams.

Characteristics of Medical Vaseline:

White Vaseline: White or nearly white, semi transparent, oily ointment, slightly fluorescent under sunlight after melting.

Huangvaseline: Yellow, semi transparent, oily ointment, slightly fluorescent under sunlight after melting.

Both are almost insoluble in water, ethanol, and glycerol, and slightly soluble in dichloromethane.

SH/T0678 Method for Determining the Dropping Point of Vaseline "- White Vaseline Dropping Point 35 ℃ -70 ℃; The drop point of yellow vaseline is 40 ℃ -60 ℃.

Take an appropriate amount of this product, heat to 120 ℃± 2 ℃, stir evenly, and then cool to 105 ℃± 2 ℃; Heat the metal grease cup in the oven to 105 ℃± 2 ℃, remove it and place it on a clean flat plate or ceramic tile. Quickly pour in a sufficient amount of melted sample to fully fill the metal grease cup; Cool the metal grease cup on a flat plate for 30 minutes, then place it at a constant temperature of 25 ℃ for more than 4 hours. Take it out, use a blade to flatten the surface of the sample in one direction, and push the metal grease cup into the drop point meter for measurement. The measured value should be within the indicated range.

The ST212B fully automatic Vaseline drop point instrument complies with the 2020 Chinese Pharmacopoeia and SH/T0678 Vaseline Drop Point Determination Method GB1790-2012 Medical Vaseline Standard. It is based on a microprocessor and integrates mechanical, optoelectronic, and micro detection technologies. It has functions such as automatic temperature control, automatic adjustment of temperature rise rate, automatic detection and recording of drop point data, automatic printing and output, and completes the determination of drop points. The white Vaseline drop point instrument is equipped with the following functions:, Yellow Vaseline Dropping Point Instrument.

Main features:

Adopting a 7-inch touch screen display;

Imported temperature sensors ensure accurate and stable temperature measurement and control;

Metal bath heating, with a heating rate adjustable to 1 ℃/min according to standards

Dropping point detection adopts high-temperature resistant specialized photoelectric detection;

Equipped with an internal clock, there is no need to input the experimental date.