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Method and significance for determining the freezing point of ethylene glycol
2023-05-29 14:27:36 admin 480
Ethylene glycol is the main component of antifreeze, accounting for about 45% of the original antifreeze solution. The original antifreeze solution can be mixed with water in a certain proportion according to the temperature in different regions to control the freezing point within an appropriate range.

The freezing point changes with the concentration of ethylene glycol in the aqueous solution. When the concentration is below 60%, the concentration of ethylene glycol in the aqueous solution increases and the freezing point decreases. However, when the concentration exceeds 60%, the freezing point shows an upward trend with the increase of ethylene glycol concentration, and the viscosity also increases with the increase of concentration. When the concentration reaches 99.9%, its freezing point rises to -13.2 ℃, which is an important reason why concentrated antifreeze (antifreeze mother liquor) cannot be directly used and must be taken into account by users

The main function of antifreeze is to prevent the coolant from freezing and cracking the radiator and damaging the engine cylinder block or cover during cold winter parking. However, during high summer temperatures, it can effectively prevent boiling and avoid the phenomenon of boiling. The function of automotive antifreeze is significant, directly affecting the performance and service life of the vehicle;

Antifreeze is a substitute for water in the past. Because it's cold in winter, water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius. And the freezing point of antifreeze is very low, and it will not freeze. Firstly, antifreeze does not contain water or alkali, and long-term use will not cause blockage of waterways; Secondly, antifreeze contains special additives that can prevent rust and corrosion, protecting the cooling system;

In addition, the boiling point of antifreeze can reach 120 degrees Celsius, while the boiling point of water is only 100 degrees Celsius. Therefore, adding antifreeze can effectively prevent boiling

SH128 Automatic Freezing Point Tester is based on the national petrochemical industry standard SH/T0090-91 Determination of the Freezing Point of Engine Coolant, ASTM D1177 and GB/T2430 Determination of the Freezing Point of aviation fuel. Suitable for measuring the freezing point of engine coolant and its concentrate, it can detect the freezing point of chemical and petrochemical products such as antifreeze and snow melting agents.

Instrument features: Adopting embedded system design and imported PT100 temperature sensor, automatic detection throughout the entire test process; Color touch screen; Can store test results; Can view historical data; The results are printed on the instrument, mechanically stirred automatically, and the experimental results can be exported through a USB flash drive. After being stored in the computer, multiple experiments can be compared.