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The solution of automatic measurement of sulfur content in Marine fuel oil
2020-09-25 09:31:10 admin 482
According to the latest provisions of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MAROPL) of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), from January 1, 2020, ships around the world will use bunker fuel oil with a sulphur content of no more than 0.5% /m, with a sevenfold increase in quality requirements.
On October 25, 2019, the Chinese Ministry of Transport maritime bureau released the 2020 global Marine fuel sulfur limit the implementation plan, clear since January 1, 2020, international ships in our country under the jurisdiction of waters fuel sulfur content more than 0.5% m/m shall not be used, to enter our country inland ship emissions of sulphur content in controlled area shall not be used by more than 0.1% m/m fuel to hainan waters (2022), shall not be in the open air pollutant emission control zone of our country shipping emissions waste wash water cleaning system.
Ship fuel sulfur content detection to the GB/T 17040-2008 "petroleum products sulphur determination method (energy dispersive X ray fluorescence spectrometry), SH407X ray fluorescence sulfur analyzer is in strict accordance with the method of design and production, at the same time SH407 sulfur X fluorescence spectrum analyzer using energy dispersive principle, mechanical and electrical integration design of computerization, rapid and accurate analysis.
Apparatus needed for experiment
1.SH407 automatic X-ray fluorescence sulfur analyzer, produced by Shandong Shengtai Instrument Co., LTD.
2. Conform to GB/T17040.

Instrument installation
After receiving the instrument, please read the instruction carefully and install and use the instrument according to the instruction.
Step 2 Check the complete set of instruments as listed in section 2 of this operating manual. If there is any shortage, please contact our company immediately.
After the above two steps are completed, take the instrument out of the packing box carefully. This instrument is a valuable article, be sure to handle it lightly to avoid man-made damage.
The instrument must be placed in a clean, non-corrosive room with air conditioning to reduce the impact of humidity changes on the accuracy of the analysis.
The instrument USES ac 220V mains power.
Important: there must be a good grounding wire, the grounding wire is not good or use two core socket, neither safe nor can guarantee the normal operation of the instrument.
3.2 Operating steps of the instrument
3.2.1 New users who have purchased the instrument should follow the following steps to debug the instrument:
Power on → preheating instrument → energy spectrum measurement → counting measurement → calibration → content measurement
3.3 boot
After the instrument is installed, press the power switch at the bottom left corner of the back panel of the instrument. The power switch indicator light is on and the instrument is connected to the mains power supply, indicating that the instrument has been started.
3.4 Preheating instrument
After starting up, the instrument must be preheated for 30 minutes, and the preheating time is automatically controlled by the instrument clock.
The instrument cannot be used for sample content measurement during preheating.
After the machine is turned on, the preheating time will start the timing. The middle and bottom of the touch screen have the words "preheating time is 30 minutes". After 30 minutes of preheating, the words will disappear, indicating that the instrument preheating time is up.
4. Content measurement
After the instrument is calibrated, it can be put into the sulfur content measurement of the sample to be tested.
4.1 Requirements for testing samples
(1) The sample to be tested shall be basically consistent with the calibration sample in matrix and hydrocarbon ratio (C/H).
If the matrix and c-H ratio (C/H) of the sample to be tested are inconsistent with the sulfur sample, an error will be caused. The instrument has automatic C/H ratio correction. However, if there is a large difference between the two, it is recommended to use the sulfur sample similar to the sample to be tested to calibrate the instrument's working curve.
(2) The sample to be measured should be clear and uniform. If there is sediment in the sample, it will bring a large error to the measurement results.
For accurate measurement, the sediment in the sample can be filtered out before measurement;
(3) For samples to be tested whose sulfur content concentration is higher than 5%(m/m), white oil can be used to dilute them to obtain the analyzer sulfur content analysis range;
(4) For the viscosity sample to be tested, hot water should be applied for heating, and then pour into the sample cup when the fluidity is good;
(5) Pour the sample into the sample cup at a depth of 3-4mm to ensure that there are no bubbles between the sample liquid to be tested and the polyester film at the bottom of the sample cup;
(6) High concentration of aromatic samples to be tested may dissolve the polyester film, so the samples to be tested should be measured quickly after being poured into the sample cup.
The sampling method of the sample to be tested shall refer to the national standard (GB/T4756).
4.2 Relationship between instrumental analysis time and measurement accuracy
The measurement accuracy of the instrument is defined as the standard deviation of statistical calculation of the same sample content analysis results for 11 consecutive times with the same instrument under the condition of the same K and B values, expressed as.
When the measurement time is several times longer, the standard deviation is reduced to one time.
If 1 is the standard deviation obtained by measuring the same sample 11 times in one unit time, say 60 seconds;
2 is the standard deviation measured in n units of time, for example, n=2, and the measurement time is 2×60 seconds =120 seconds. The relationship is 2= 1/. The analytical measurement time of this instrument is 30, 60, 90, 120, and 150 seconds.
The instrument chooses 90 seconds as the measurement time by default.
4.3 Analyze the mass percentage of sulfur element
Click [Content Measurement] under the main menu to enter the sulfur content analysis, as shown in the figure below:

At this point, click the work curve to select curve 1-10, click the single measurement time to set the time to 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 seconds, and the number of repetitions can be set to 1, 2, 3, 5, and 10 times.
Click the input sample number to pop up the keyboard and enter the 9-digit sample number or not.
By default, the instrument automatically selects the working curve. The measuring time is 90 seconds and the number of repetitions is 3 times.
When the instrument is finished preheating and sufficient reference sample values are available in memory, the instrument can start the content measurement.
Put the sample to be tested on the leaking parts and click [Start] to start the content measurement. The content measurement results are shown in the figure below: