


Crude oil salt content tester

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  • 名  稱:

    SH0536 crude oil salt content detector
  • 型  號:

  • 品  牌:

    Shengtai instrument
  • 0531-85919987
  • 微 信 號:

  • 15665870097
  • 銷售咨詢:

  • 985205868



SH0536 crude oil salt content detector meets the requirements of testing methods such as SY/T 0536 and ZBE 21001-87. The instrument adopts microcoulometric titration method. When the measured sample enters the salt electrolysis cell, the CI - in the sample reacts with Ag+in the electrolyte. According to Faraday's law, the salt content or inorganic chloride ions in the sample can be obtained by calculating the electricity consumption of the generated Ag+. The instrument uses a sand core instead of an ion exchange membrane for easy cleaning. Scope of application: Suitable for the determination of salt content in crude oil, residual oil and their products, as well as for the determination of chloride ions and content in various industrial water and discharged water.

Main performance and characteristics:

l Scope of application: Applicable to the determination of salt content in crude oil, heavy oil, residual oil and other oil products, as well as the determination of salt content in discharged water from oil fields and refineries.

l The instrument adopts advanced microprocessor and computer control technology, which has faster detection speed, more stable performance, more accurate measurement results, and visualized measurement process.

Main technical parameters

l Measurement range: salt content 0.2PPm --10000mgNaCL/L;

l  Instrument accuracy:

A: Relative error of samples with a concentration of<3 mgNaCL/L: ≤ 20%

B: Relative error of samples with a concentration of 3-10 mgNaCL/L: ≤ 10%

C: Relative error of samples with a concentration of 10 mgNaCL/L or above: ≤ 8%

l Instrument repeatability error:

A: Sample error for concentrations<3 mgNaCL/L: ≤ 0.3 mgNaCL/L

B: Sample error for a concentration of 3-10 mgNaCL/L: ≤ 1.2 mgNaCL/L

C: Sample error for concentrations above 10 PPm: ≤ 8%



